Small Bedroom, Big Window
Small Bedroom, Big Window
Small Bedroom, Big Window is a small addition to an existing home in Glassel park . The Mt. Washington Specific plan and the budget required the addition to be only 200 sq. ft. Within this 200 sq. ft. we were required to fit a new master bedroom and a master bathroom. These design constraints is what led to Small Bedroom, Big Window. Extensive exterior yard work is also part of the project. This project was designed in collaboration with Janna Stark Design
Photos by Carla Coffing
Location: Glassel Park, Los Angeles, CA
Type: Single family home
Addition/Renovation size: 440 sq. ft.
Hardscape Design size: 2,085 sq. ft.
Finished Home size: 1,909 sq. ft.
Lot size: 11,236 sq. ft.
Project type: Renovation, Addition, & Hardscape design